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Surprise Visit 28 September 2024

The Divisional Junior General , P. Kt. Mike Carter, made a surprise visit to Past Intendant-General, R.Ill.Kt. Bob Parsons, KCC, who is now approaching 90 and found him in good health and enjoying his retirement.

Grand Rank Appointments 2024

Congratulations to the following worthy Knights on their well-deserved appointments.

These appointments are effective from the 2 July 2024. 


V. Ill. Kt. Bryan Robinson, OBE

P.G.H.Chan. to P.G.J.Gen. (Field appointment)

Ill. Kt. Raymond Wade, 

P.G.Chamb. to P.G.H.Alm.

Ill. Kt. Alan L. Wills, 

P.G.Pref. to P.G.Chamb.

First Appointments: 

P. Kt. Mike Knowles,

Div.S.Gen. to P.G.Pref. (Awarded posthumously)

P. Kt. Peter W.M. Mason,

Dep.Div.Mar. to P.G.Pref. 

Awarded by MMH

Bereavement - Thornton Abbey Conclave

Earlier this week Thornton Abbey suffered the sad loss of their Recorder, P. Kt. Terence Willis who died in hospital after a short illness. Terry worked hard for the Conclave and will be sorely missed.

 Field appointment 

P.Kt. Iain M. Wilson (Tattershall Castle Conclave) was appointed as Assistant Divisional Recorder by the Intendant-General at Ancaster Conclave on 26 January 2024.

Make them Smile

Presentation by the Intendant-General

27 November 2023

Make them Smile - a voluntary based Lincolnshire Children’s Charity - received a grant from the Grand Sovereign’s Care for Children Fund of £2,500. The money will help towards the wonderful work they do in providing support to children and young adults in the UK that are below 18 years of age who have a wide range of adverse medical/emotional conditions. The Charity also provides respite and holidays for young people and their families at their specially adapted holiday homes along the east coast at Golden Sands, Mablethorpe and at Butlins, Skegness.


Pictured presenting the cheque is the Intendant-General, R. III. KT. Steve Roberts, received by two of the Charity Trustees - Tony and Richard - at the Charity's respite holiday home at Butlins, Skegness which is shown below.


 Presentation to Intendant-General

Heneage Preceptory 22 November 2023

A great night at Heneage Preceptory of Knights Templar at Grantham which got even better when Eminent Knight Steve Roberts, aka the Intendant-General of the Lincolnshire Division of the Red Cross of Constantine, was presented with a donation of £200 by the Trustees of the Lincolnshire pre-loved Regalia, Ivor Hallam and Mark Driffill.


Along with their wives, Ivor and Mark accept unwanted regalia for all the Masonic Orders which is then sold on after cleaning and any necessary refurbishment - the profits of which are then donated back on an equal share basis to every Masonic Order that operates in the Province of Lincolnshire, which in the case of the Red Cross will be added to the Benevolent Fund.

A definite win-win scenario, not least for those who benefit, be they Masonic or public recipients.

Thanks Bro. Knights for the donation and the service you provide.



Grand Sepulchre Guard

Great news - P. Kt. Peter Mason has just been appointed Deputy Captain of the Grand Sepulchre Guard and W. Kt. Wayne Lagden has been appointed a member of the Grand Sepulchre Guard! Congratulations Peter and Wayne from all the Worthy Knights of the Division - we wish you both well in these very prestigious offices.  

 Presentation to Intendant-General 24 May 2023

The Intendant-General receiving a donation of £225 from P. Kt. Ivor Hallam from the "Preloved Regalia" sales.

This, in addition to a previous donation of £350 last month, will supplement the Division's charity fund which supports the Grand Sovereign's Care for Childrens Fund and local charities in Lincolnshire. 



 N & E Lancashire Divisional Meeting Saturday, 20 May 2023

The Intendant-General, Deputy Intendant-General and the Divisional Junior General received a warm welcome as guests at North and East Lancashire Divisional Meeting which was attended by the Grand Eusebius, R.Ill. Kt. Timothy John Nichloas L'Estrange.


L to R: P. Kt. Mike Knowles, R.Ill. Kt Stephen Roberts, Ill. Kt. Ray Wade 



Last update
January 18, 2025, 18:42
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About The Order

The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine.

The earliest record of the Red Cross of Constantine degree was in Scotland in the late 1700’s. The Order assumed its current form following the establishment of Grand Imperial Conclave in London in 1865 by Robert Wentworth Little, an employee at Freemasons’ Hall. Since that time, this Chivalric Order has grown steadily with the formation of several sovereign Grand Conclaves throughout the world. The moral teachings of the Order are based upon the legendary influences that Christianity had upon the life of Constantine the Great, which culminated in his being baptised into the faith shortly before his death in 337 A.D.

Constantine’s father was one of four joint rulers of the Roman Empire, being the Caesar (Emperor) of the Western Province. Constantine had joined his father to quell an uprising in Britain. When his father died, Constantine was hailed as Caesar by the legions in York in 306 A.D, which was grudgingly accepted by the Augustus (Senior Emperor) in Rome. Following attempts to undermine his position by Maxentius in Rome, Constantine resolved to seek justice and retribution by marching on Rome with his army.

One day on the march to Rome, Constantine and his army saw what they believed was a sign from Heaven, a pillar of light in the sky in the form of a special cross, with an inscription foretelling victory. Constantine therefore had made a standard bearing a Cross like that seen, and ordered it to be carried before him in his battles. Following victory over Maxentius, the Senate proclaimed Constantine, Augustus Maximus (the Senior Emperor). Having later defeated the Augustus of the Eastern Province, Constantine became sole ruler of the Roman Empire. He then transferred the capital from Rome to Byzantium, later re-named Constantinople in his honour.

Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to openly embrace and encourage Christianity. At his instigation, several Councils of Bishops were established which laid down a firm basis of Christian liturgy and belief.

The first of our ceremonies consists of the Candidate’s admission, obligation and then installation as a Companion of the Red Cross of Constantine, in which the historical basis of the Order is also detailed.

The second ceremony, that of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and St. John the Evangelist is undoubtedly amongst the most impressive in Masonry, an experience that is enhanced by the sword drill of the Sepulchre Guard. The presence of the Guard is a powerful reminder that this is not only a Masonic but also a Military and Chivalric Order. The ceremony culminates with an explanation of the ultimate aims of the Craft.

Regalia for Knights consists of, as a minimum, a sash and a jewel. Most Conclaves meet four times a year. One special Conclave, ‘Viceroy’ Conclave (where membership is open to Knights who have made progress in the Order) also meets four times a year, and can also be visited by Knights of the Order.

The Red Cross of Constantine, or more formally the Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Appendant Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist is a Christian Order of Freemasonry. Candidates for the Order must already be members of Craft Freemasonry (Lodge) and Royal Arch Freemasonry (Chapter); they must also be members of the Christian religion, and ready to proclaim their belief in the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity.