About the Divisional Sepulchre Guard..........

 What is the “Divisional Sepulchre Guard”?

The Divisional Sepulchre Guard is an elite group of Worthy Knights appointed by the Right Illustrious Intendant-General for the purpose of fulfilling ceremonial and ritual roles within the Lincolnshire Division. It is a real honour to be a member and service in the Divisional Sepulchre Guard could result in being recommended for membership of the prestigious Grand Sepulchre Guard which escorts the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign on all his formal occasions.

The Lincolnshire Divisional Sepulchre Guard consists of a Captain, a Deputy Captain, and such numbers of Guards as appointed by the Intendant-General – usually 4 to 6.


All members are invested at the Annual Divisional Meeting by the Right Illustrious Intendant-General with the insignia of the Lincolnshire Division Sepulchre Guard suspended from a purple collarette. It is worn under the shirt collar at all Red Cross and KHS meetings and subsequent Festive Boards within the Division.

Each member is issued with a sword worn with a purple scabbard for which a small deposit must be paid. Instruction on sword drill and ceremonial duty is regularly given by the Captain or Deputy and a rehearsal is usually arranged prior to any meeting.



What does the Divisional Guard do?

The purpose of the Divisional Guard is to accompany the Intendant-General whenever he and the Divisional Officers make official “Team visits” to Conclaves. The Guard on duty will normally comprise the Captain, the Deputy Captain and a minimum of four knights.

Members of the guard are contacted by the Captain informing them of dates and locations of Team Visits. Each member must reply as soon as possible signifying their availability.

The Divisional Guard also performs the role of ‘Sepulchre Guards’ when a Conclave within the Division carries out an Appendant Orders ceremony.

Divisional Guards are expected to attend the Annual Divisional Meeting to perform ceremonial duties and, where applicable (dependant on attendance record), may be re-appointed for the following year.

Who can join the Guard?

Membership of the Sepulchre Guard is open to any Worthy Knight who is a full subscribing and active member of one or more of the Conclaves in the Division. Selection as a Sepulchre Guard shows commitment to the Order and to the Division, and successful candidates are expected to be active and reliable.

Once a knight has been promoted to the rank of Most Puissant Sovereign he must cease his active membership of the Sepulchre Guard, but remains on the list of reserve guardsmen.

How can I apply?

The first step is to contact your Conclave Recorder who will arrange for you to attend an interview with the Captain (P. Kt. Graham Arnold) and Deputy Captain (W. Kt. Peter Mason).